Show development plans for:
Theme | # | Objective | Owner | RAG | Comment |
Junior Development | 1 | Build on the success of our Junior Festivals by implementing a regular programme of high-quality events. | BC | Following positive feedback from previous events we plan to use the same format in future. When the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted dates and venues will be negotiated with Cams School and New Forest VC. SEVA organised an U14s GP and HVA hosted one successful GP event in Jan 20. When normality returns and if the format remains the same we would aim to host one event every year. | |
2 | Monitor the number of athletes who participate beyond HVA activities, e.g. South East (SEVA), national camps etc. Request information from Hampshire Clubs, SEVA and VE three times a year; December; April and July. | BC | This was undertaken once. It should be easy to pick it up again once SEVA and National camps resume. | ||
Adult Participation | 1 | Continue the evolution of the indoor Grand Prix series taking into consideration the optimum number of teams and other NVL events. | AE | The 2019/2020 GP series ran with 9 men's teams and 8 ladies’ teams. Despite being cut short by COVID-19, the season was concluded. The 2020/2021 season is severely limited by COVID-19 but there are a number of different formats ready to try, should we be able to return to competition. | |
2 | Generate an HVA handbook to formalise rules, setting standards and expectations, to demonstrate progress towards NVL status. | AE | Complete – A handbook has been created for the Grand Prix series. | ||
3 | Increase mixed participation through a series of regular Grand Prix events. | AE | Two mixed tournaments were held in 2019/2020 with a third scheduled before COVID-19 bought everything to a halt. The 2020/2021 season is severely limited for the same reason but there are a number of different formats ready to try, should we be able to return to competition. | ||
Sitting Volleyball | 1 | Host a minimum of one sitting volleyball competition per year with the emphasis on increased participation from local clubs. | RO | Complete - A competition was held over the weekend of 5/6 October 2019 at Cams Hill School, to coincide with the 10th anniversary of South Hants SVC. | |
Coaching & Officiating | 1 | Raise standards by promoting courses local to the area, e.g. Volleyball England, Total Volleyball. | AC | Ongoing – work in progress. | |
Communication | 1 | Modernise appearance of the HVA website, make it more user friendly and recognised as a valuable source of information. | AE | Complete - The new look website is now published. | |
2 | Consider a regular newsletter to reinforce links between players, clubs and the HVA (c.f. South West as an exemplar). | JA | Complete (but ongoing) - The 1st newsletter was published in the Summer. The 2nd edition is on hold as volleyball activity has paused since the coronavirus pandemic. | ||
Finance | 1 | Increase income through sponsorship and/or grant funding e.g. Sport England, Energise Me, Lottery etc. | CH | Ongoing - Currently researching opportunities. | |
2 | Invest in the promotion of HVA via branded banners/feather flags etc. | CH | Complete - The items have been procured and have been used at events. |